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The self-assessment module

Exercise 4 – Decision matrix – download and complete for each resource

This page has an example of a decision matrix, together with links to download blank versions for each resource type.

For each resource, complete the relevant decision matrix, scoring each statement from 5 (agree) to 1 (disagree). Add the total scores up for each resource and then choose the resources with the highest scores as your priority resources.

Each category of resource has a different decision matrix, with the statements being relevant to the category.






5 4 3 2 1
1. Disposal cost is high.
2. Quantity or value of the material is high.
3. Storage and disposal requirements are flexible for this material.
4. The material contains no contamination of impurities that might prevent its reuse by others.
5. The material is segregated and contained in a form that could be readily used by others, or if not, it could be.
6. The material is segregated and contained in a form that could be readily used by others, or if not, it could be.
7. Current disposal contracts allow for alternative arrangements.
8. Any licences, permits, terms and conditions, etc. are easily addressed.
9. We could easily provide a sample for testing to a prospective user, and there are no legal barriers to its transport.
10. Other

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